
Customer Testimonials

Direct Mail Company, Utah

“AdNumbers has helped us to show our clients the results of our direct mail campaigns. They now know how many prospects called and what they said. This has enabled us to significantly grow our business.

Thank you AdNumbers for your prompt, professional and personal service.”

Energy Company, Fresno, California

“Thanks to AdNumbers we went from shooting in the dark to precision marketing. We now know who called, when and what they said. We have improved the efficiencies of our media buys dramatically by tracking every lead source. We’re able to track and monitor each sales opportunity.

Plus, we’ve improved our customer service training by using the recorded calls to monitor and assess customer interactions. We have been able to lower our advertising spend by 17% while increasing our closing rates by 25%. We are spending less and making more.

Plumbing Contractor, Anaheim, California

We decided to use AdNumbers to make sure all our ads were producing enough calls and to reduce the monthly cost of our telephone company RCF numbers that we were using as tracking lines.AdNumbers immediately saved us money by replacing the expensive RCF lines and the associated long distance charges. AdNumbers helps us recognize which of our ads are working – and which aren’t – and we are able to base our new ad purchases on reliable records and not guesswork.

AdNumbers has also eliminated the costs and manual effort of collecting and compiling call tracking data, by automatically gathering information on calls from our yellow page advertising at both the book and heading level.  In addition, their same-day service for providing new tracking numbers has made it a lot easier for us to meet our publishers’ deadlines.”

AdNumbersScottsdale Headquarters
Lew Halpert
Post Office Box 25835
Scottsdale, Arizona 85255
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Taking seamless key performance indicators offline to maximise the long tail.